The definition of a smart credit card user is one who always pays on time and never pays any interest or fees to credit card issuer. An even smarter credit card user is one who is able to secure a credit car with zero joining fees and zero annual fees. The smart users benefits from the features of the credit card to their advantage
1. The credit card issuer provides you an interest free loan to fund your expenses
One can attempt to make all the household expenses using a credit card and pay it by the due date. Phone bills, electricity bills, grocery bills, travel expenses and entertainment expenses are some expenses which can be easily made using a credit card. If these expenses are paid on the statement due date, then these expenses turn out be purchases made on funds provided by the credit card issuer at zero interest rates. The credit card issuer is providing a zero interest loan and smart people will never leave such and opportunity.
2. Credit card issuers offer incentives to make purchase using the card
Is it the icing on the cake when one not only gets an interest free loans from the credit card issuer, but also a host incentives for spending on the card. Incentives accrue to the user on account of cash back, discounts and reward points offered by the issuer on the total purchase amount.
3. Credit cards offer other small benefits
- One need not carry cash in your pocket. Instead the cash can sit in your bank account earning interest, even though the interest may be a small amount.
- The credit card statement is a good way to track spending.
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