08 May 2011

How to avoid unhealthy attitudes towards money

Our attitudes towards money determine the quality of our personal finances. Be it a casual attitude towards money or be it with an obsessiveness towards money extreme attitudes are not very healthy.  We need to identify the unhealthy attitudes towards money which could afflict us in our life and avoid them at all costs. There is a simple approach which looks at our current financial position and assesses our attitude towards money. This approach provides us with a mental map of commonly occuring unhealthy attitudes towards money which are to be avoided.

Unhealthy attitudes towards money

We should avoid situations where we feel money is the end all and be all in terms of measuring success and start either worshiping moneyed people or money itself. At the same time we should avoid living in denial where we start deluding ourselves that financial success is also not a measure of success.

While being financially successfully is an aim we should all aspire towards, however it is not the measure of success. Other than just money, there can be many more dimensions to success. As long as we maintain a healthy between the financial and non-financial aspects of life, there is nirvana to be achieved.

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