27 April 2011

Nine steps to achieve success with your personal finance goals

Achieving  success with our personal finance goals in nine simple seems like one is attempting to trivialize the complexities in managing personal finance. Though the nine steps may sound simple they offer a very robust and reliable approach to achieving our goals. Additionally one needs to be warned that while the nine steps may sound simple, they require a lot of mental discipline to execute consistently on them. However, if one can implement the approach consistently over a period of time, success is within reach.

The elements of the approach to successfully achieving our financial goals include
  1. Get specific.
  2. Seize the moment to act on your goals.
  3. Know exactly how far you have left to go.
  4. Be a realistic optimist.
  5. Focus on getting better, rather than being good.
  6. Have grit. Grit is a willingness to commit to long-term goals, and to persist in the face of difficulty.
  7. Build your willpower muscle.
  8. Don’t tempt fate.
  9. Focus on what you will do, not what you won’t do.

Research on achievement suggests that successful people reach their goals not simply because of who they are, but more often because of what they do.

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