12 July 2011

Learning personal finance made easy

It is not quite common to find tools which simplify the process of learning personal finance. A blog by Carl Richards has simplified personal finance to the extent that it can be explained on a napkin is  very interesting.

11 July 2011

Learning from the financial mistakes of others

The smart man learns from his mistakes. The wise man learns from the mistakes of others. Read on for a close look at the mistakes of five individuals. These are things we might have done in the past, however we can learn from these mistakes and recover our personal finances.

29 June 2011

How much do you need to retire early

Most of us would love to retire early, but are worried about the savings we would need to build up to be able to realize our dream of retiring early. There is a simple thumb rule which provides us with insights on how much savings we need to invest in low risk instruments to be able to fund our retirements.

28 May 2011

Three things money cannot do for you

While we all are aware of the power of money, there are certain things which money just cant do. Some interesting insights from an article which says that money can only make us rich. Beyond making us rich money, it can do anything else. It cannot change our attitudes towards ourselves an life in general.

27 May 2011

How to read the fine print before buying a financial product

It is not an uncommon situation where we feel cheated by the fine print in many of our purchases. This is quite common in the case of purchase of financial products given the rampant misspelling of such products. There are just two rules which one needs to religiously follow to avoid situations of feeling cheated on buying the financial product. These rules work well for not only financial products but also for all type of products.

22 May 2011

Expectations and reality

We all start a new investment plan with great hope an enthusiasm which later on fizzles out as things don't turn out as expected. There should be no surprise when we get to know that reality does not meet up to expectations. It is the way of life. The learning should be to avoid unrealistic expectations.

21 May 2011

Just a high income may not be sufficient

Many a time I used to wonder, why people with fat salaries end up having money problems. Over time I understood that a big salary is not the answer to all the problems in this world. What we do with our fat salaries is more important. How we mange our salries is what decides financial outcomes in our lives.